Monday, February 28, 2011
Make It Happen Mondays
Monday- Make It happen Mondays (business professionals, talk about what works for them in their business, what customers/clients appreciate)
Friday, February 25, 2011
F....Off Fridays
Friday-F off Fridays (Who has pissed you off for the week) Let it out! Relax relate release!(Vent Day)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Turned Up Thursdays
Its Turned Up Thursdays (Whats your favorite song, what song comes on, and no matter where your at, you have to turn it up, and do a little dance?) subscribe to:, my guilty pleasure song that I have to dance to is Racks on Racks, whats yours?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Why we do it Wednesdays
Wednesday-Why we do it Wednesdays (All professionals, whether your a make up artist, hairstylist, teacher, doctor, actor, comedian, dj, etc let your clients/patients/students/fans, know why they are important, and why you chose the profession your in.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Its Talk About It Tuesdays (Who or what makes you happy, who or what makes you mad?) subscribe, to chime!in!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Speak Your Mind! More Than Just Make Up Talk
For those out there that are creative spirits and just love thinking outside the box, Im sure you have more on your mind then just make up and entertainment news on a day to day basis, because I know I sure do. So with that in mind, I got to thinking, why not have a weekly schedule of topics for people to vent. I don't know about you all, but the best STRESS RELIEVER for me is venting via writing for me, it keeps me sane, and keeps me from causing bodily harm to those weirdo's of the world that I believe are put in your life just to push your buttons, lol. So here's the plan, listed below will be the topics for each day of the week mon-friday, and you all just chime in and say whats your mind, its just that simple!
Monday- Make It happen Mondays (business professionals, talk about what works for them in their business, what customers/clients appreciate)
Tuesday-Talk About It Tuesdays (Who or what makes you happy, who or what makes you mad)
Wednesday-Why we do it Wednesdays (All professionals, whether your a make up artist, hairstylist, teacher, doctor, actor, comedian, dj, etc let your clients/patients/students/fans, know why they are important, and why you chose the profession your in, (customer appreciation blog).
Thursday-Turned Up Thursdays (Whats your favorite song, what song comes on, and no matter where your at, you have to turn it up, and do a little dance?)
Friday-F off Fridays (Who has pissed you off for the week) Let it out! Relax relate release!(Vent Day)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Drug Store Make Up Vs. Make Up Store/Counter Make Up
Many times I get the question, what is so important about where you purchase your make up, drug store/beauty supply verses make up counters and make up stores?Well the answer is quite simple, quality as well as being a guaranteed satisfied customer upon leaving the store is your answer. Now not to say that its taboo to purchase cosmetics at your local drug store or beauty supply store or where ever you like to purchase your make up, however what I am saying is you receive quality make up and service when you visit a make up counter or make up store designed specifically with the make up customer in mind. In many cases, I have women that say they have tons of make up that they just do not use, these cases happen mostly because they are not able to try the product before purchasing and are not taught how to apply the product properly.Every woman wants to feel and look their best, so why not take a little time out for yourself and get pampered and visit a make up counter or store for your next make up purchase. You will know whether you like the product or not before you purchase the product, and if you are a make up counter that specializes in make up artistry, you will be taught how to apply and use your products. Ladies, its time to step your game up, stop wasting money in hopes that you'll like your purchase once you get home without being able to try the product before hand.Also, the cheap route is not always best, now there are some products out there that are not extremely expensive that have a pretty good quality to them, however, quality is key, so keep in mind you get what you pay for. With that being said,treat yourself to a pamper day if not once a week at least once a month and learn how to look and feel great on a regular basis.
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